The objective of the Microcontroller & Open-Source Hardware (MOSH) course is to train us in the use and programming of open source Microcontrollers. The subject is a complement to the work done at AIME.

Descriptive part

General project description

In this project, we want to make a smart device, we want to get the data from a gas sensor and send them via the LORA protocol on the TTN site and then display the data from the sensor on a Dashboard on Node-Red. We are also interested in the energy consumption of the sensor, so we will use the sensor under a woken mode (very short time) to measure and send the data and another sleeping mode where it consumes almost nothing (during most of the time).

PCB Design

The Shield contains an impedance matching circuit to connect the gas sensor to the microcontroller (Arduino Uno) as well as an interrupt circuit which manages the two modes "Sleep" and "Wake-up" of the circuit and the gas sensor. A connector is provided to connect the circuit to the LORA antenna. The location of the gas sensor is in the middle of the PCB in the form of small circles.

In order to simulate our interrupt circuit and manage the energy consumption of the circuit we used LT-SPICE to simulate the behavior we want. We notice on the two following figures that by varying the parameters of the various components of the circuit in particular the resistors, we manage to control the duration of interruption.



We use the Arduino UNO as a microcontroller with a breadboard to build the prototype circuit (interrupt circuit + groove gas sensor + LORA antenna). The Arduino code is composed of the following parts: acquisition of the sensor data and display on serial monitor, configuration of the TTN - LORA connection and management of the two Sleep and Wake-Up modes.

Energy consumption

With the aim of decreasing to the maximum the consumption of Energy of our system, we used a circuit of interruption, we even manage to switch off and to light again the sensor with this circuit by adding a transistor what reduces enormously the consumption of Energy of the circuit because it is the sensor which consumes the quasi-totality of the Energy consumed by the whole circuit.

Thus, we have implemented two types of interrupts to optimize the power consumption of our circuit: a hardware and a software interrupt. Our hardware interrupt consists of an external cyclic trigger.

For this, we used an AOP to make a comparator, the circuit allows to generate square waves bases frequencies and to create an oscillator circuit allowing to vary the voltage between 0 and 5V in a cyclic way. It is possible to modify the frequency by changing the values of the capacitance or resistors. Indeed, if we increase for example the value of the capacity, the frequency will decrease and vice versa.

We simulated the circuit on LT-Spice for the choice of the values of the resistors and the capacity in order to obtain periods of activities and inactivities adapted to our application. The software interrupt is realized by the code present on the board. A software interrupt is performed when the circuit is in an inactive period to activate or deactivate the gas sensor.

Assembly diagram for the software interruption (here an LED instead of the gas sensor)

Power consumption balance

We measured the current at the output of the circuit, for this we used a USB current sensor. It allows to measure the current consumed on a USB port in real time. We could then establish a table of measurements.

Thus, we have implemented two types of interrupts to optimize the power consumption of our circuit: a hardware and a software interrupt. Our hardware interrupt consists of an external cyclic trigger.

For that, we measured the current consumption of the circuit according to its behavior in wake-up mode (active), when the oscillation circuit imposes a voltage of 5V, in sleep mode, when the oscillation circuit imposes a voltage of 0V and the gas sensor is activated and in sleep mode, when the oscillation circuit imposes a voltage of 0V and the gas sensor is deactivated by software interruption.

We can observe that it is the hardware interruption which has the most impact on the consumption, indeed, we pass from 0.22 to 0.04 A at the time of the periods of sleep imposed by the AOP comparator, that is to say a reduction of 0.18 A. While, the software interruption, it, allows a saving of 0.16 A by passing from 0.22 A to 0.06 A, this interruption makes it possible not to feed the sensor any more during the active phase, one can then notice that it is the gas sensor which consumes more in the circuit with a consumption corresponding to the 0.16 A of difference.

Moreover, we measured the duration of the periods of sleep and wake-up of the circuit, we observe an average period of 123 seconds for the inactive periods of the circuit against 17 seconds on average for the active phase, however, the software interruption activates the sensor only for a duration of 7 seconds.

The details of the calculations can be found in the readme on my GitHub repo.


In order to display the data from our sensor, we use Node-Red, this is done by establishing a connection via the MQTT protocol between Node-Red and the TTN site. The flow is very simple for this application and allows to visualize in real time the value of the gas sensor.

Technical part

This section describes the context of the subject, my accomplishments and a summary of the skills I have acquired.


It includes several courses in addition to MOSH such as a mini-course on Git and another on how to use KiCAD. I realized this project in collaboration with GENEAU Téo and KHALED Walid.

This project takes place over a very long period of time and is to be put in parallel with the AIME practical works because it is complementary. I would have liked to have one or two more sessions to allow us to solder the LoRa board and to manufacture the PCB. This subject is evaluated by the realization of the project and in the form of a readme available on my repo  GitHuB.


Since I took care of the Arduino code for the Hackathon, I was able to reuse my knowledge to code this part quickly and move on to the more difficult part for me, the electronic part.

For this part, I had the opportunity to be accompanied by two people in my team who had a solid foundation in electronics. So I was able to understand, wire and test the circuits more easily than if I had been alone on the project.

It's also an excellent approach to sensor data processing that I will most likely use for my personal projects.

Skills  used

This subject uses the skills acquired at the beginning of the semester on programming on Arduino during the Hackathon and the electronics courses of previous years.


I am now able to design a circuit in order to save energy and to code the corresponding Arduino code.

Analytical Part

This section presents a comprehensive analysis of all the knowledge and skills acquired during this experiences

Skills matrix

Understand microcontroller architecture and how to use them

Be able to design data acquisition system (sensor, conditioner, microcontroller) with respect to the application

Be able to design the electronic circuit of a sensor’s signal conditioner (design + simulation)

Be able to design a shield to accommodate the gas sensor

Be able to design the software to use the gas sensor and its HMI

Be able to combine all of the above mentioned components into a smart device

Further Explaination

With a computer science background and even having had some electronics training in my second year, the electronics part takes some getting used to but I feel that I have achieved the required skills.

See related work

Click on the button below to visit my GitHub Repo.